Agent decision-making: The Elephant in the Room-Enabling the justification of decision model fit in social-ecological models
Authors: Wijermans, N., Scholz, G., Chappin, É., Heppenstall, A., Filatova, T., Polhill, J. G., Semeniuk, C.A.D., & Stöppler, F.2023 Environmental Modelling & Software 105850

Personality in hatchery Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is associated with growth but not metabolic rate or performance
Authors: Church, K.D.W., Nguyen-Dang, L., Neff, B.D., Semeniuk, C.A.D.2022 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Conspecific nest attendance behaviours of common eiders (Somateria mollissima) in response to polar bear (Ursus maritimus) foraging activity: error or intent?
Authors: Simone, C., Geldart, E., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Love, O.P., Gilchrist, H.G., and Barnas. A.F.2022 Canadian Field Naturalists 136: 247-253
Technoscience and the modernization of freshwater fisheries assessment and management
Authors: Cooke, S.J., Docker, M.F., Mandrak, N.E., Young, N., Heath, D.D., Jeffries, K.M. Howarth, A., Brownscombe, J.W., Livernois, J., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Venturelli, P.A., Danylchuk, A.J., Lennox, R.J., Jarić, I., Fisk, A.T., Vandergoot, C.S., Britton, J.R., Muir, A.M.2022 Environmental Technology & Innovation 28:102865

Innovating transcriptomics for practitioners in freshwater fish management and conservation: best practices across diverse resource-sector users
Authors: Semeniuk, C.A.D., Jeffries, K.M., Li, T., Bettles, C.M., Cooke, S.J., Dufour, B., Halfyard, E., Heath, J.W., Keeshig, K., Mandrak, N.E., Muir, A., Postma, L., Heath, D.D.2022 Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 32: 921-939

Rearing conditions differentially affect behavioural phenotypes of male ‘jack’ and ‘hooknose’ chinook salmon and their sisters in both fresh and salt water
Authors: Church, K.D., Janisse, K., Nguyen-Dang, L., Heath, J.W., Heath, D.D., & Semeniuk, C.A.D.2020 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
The role of conservation physiology in mitigating social-ecological traps in wildlife-provisioning tourism: a case study of feeding stingrays in the Cayman Islands. In: Conservation Physiology: Applications for Wildlife Conservation and Management
Authors: Semeniuk, C.A.D. Edited by Madliger, C.L., Franklin, C.E., Love, O.P., and Cooke, S.J.2020 Oxford University Press.
Mimicking transgenerational signals of future stress: thermal tolerance of juvenile chinook salmon is more sensitive to elevated rearing temperature than exogenously increased egg cortisol
Authors: Warriner, T.R., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Pitcher, T.E., Heath, D.D., Love, O.P.2020 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:368

Domestic-wild hybridization to improve aquaculture performance in Chinook salmon
Authors: Semeniuk, C.A.D., Capelle, P.M., Dender, M.G.E., Devlin, R.H., Dixon, B., Drown, J., Heath, J.W., Hepburn, R., Higgs, D.M., Janisse, K., Lehnert, S.J., Love, O.P., Mayrand, J., Mickle, M., Pitcher, T.E., Neff, B., Semple, S.L., Smith, J.L., Toews, S., Venney, C., Wellband, K., and Heath, D.D.2019 Aquaculture 511: 734255

The effects of variation in acclimation- and growth-maximizing behavioural types of outcrossed Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) on growth and survival in captivity
Authors: Mayrand, J.L., Heath, D.D., Heath, J.W., and Semeniuk, C.A.D.2019 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 216: 52-62
Life in captivity: varied behavioural responses to novel setting and food types in first-generation hybrids of farmed and wild juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Authors: Janisse, K., Capelle, P.M., Heath, J.W., Dender, M.G., Heath, D.D., Semeniuk, C.A.D.2019 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (in press)
Validating fin tissue as a non-lethal proxy to liver and muscle tissue for stable isotope analysis of yellow perch (Perca flavescens)
Authors: McCloskey, M., Yurkowski, D.J., and Semeniuk, C.A.D.2018 Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 54: 196-208
Phenotypic integration of behavioural and physiological traits is related to variation in growth among stocks of Chinook salmon
Authors: Dender, M.G., Capelle, P.M., Love, O.P., Heath, D.D., Heath, J.W., and Semeniuk, C.A.D.2018 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75: 2271-2279
Forecasting the outcome of multiple effects of climate change on northern common eiders
Authors: Dey, C.J., Semeniuk, C.A., Iverson, S.A., Richardson, E., McGeachy, D., and Gilchrist, H.G.2018 Biological Conservation 220: 94-103
Adaptive phenotypic integration benefits a key performance trait in salmonid aquaculture
Authors: Dender, M.G.E., Capelle, P.M., Love O.P., Heath, D.D., Heath, J.W., and Semeniuk, C.A.D.2018 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (in press)
Prenatal stress differentially affects performance and survival across life-history stages depending on the postnatal environment
Authors: Capelle, P.M., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Sopinka, N.M., Heath, J.W., and Love, O.P.2018 Functional Ecology (in revision)
Increasing nest predation will be insufficient to maintain polar bear body condition in the face of sea-ice loss
Authors: Dey, C.J., Richardson, E., McGeachy, D., Iverson, S.A.. Gilchrist, H.G., and Semeniuk, C.A.D.2017 Global Change Biology 23: 1821-1831
The effects of paternal reproductive tactic and rearing environment on juvenile variation in growth as mediated through aggression and foraging behaviours of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Authors: Forest, A.R., Dender, M.G.E., Pitcher, T.E., and Semeniuk, C.A.D.2017 Ethology 123: 329-341

Differential female preference for individual components of a reproductive male round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) pheromone
Authors: Farwell, M., Hughes, G., Smith, J.L., Clelland, E., Loeb, S.J., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Scott, A.P., Li, W., and Zielinski, B.2017 Journal of Great Lakes Research 43: 379-386
Latitudinal variation in ecological opportunity and intra-specific competition indicates differences in niche variability and diet specialization of Arctic marine predators
Authors: Yurkowski, D.J, Ferguson, S., Choy, E., Loseto, L., Brown, T., Muir, D., Semeniuk, C.A.D., and A. Fisk2016 Ecology and Evolution 6: 1666-1678

Prenatal stress exposure generates higher early survival and smaller size without impacting developmental rate in a Pacific salmon
Authors: Capelle, P.M., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Sopinka, N.M., Heath, J.W., and Love, O.P.2016 Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 325: 641-650
Spatial and temporal variation of an ice-adapted predator’s feeding ecology in a changing Arctic marine ecosystem
Authors: Yurkowski, D.J., Ferguson, S.H., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Brown, T.M., Muir, D.C.G., and Fisk, A.T.2016 Oecologia 180: 631-644
Influence of sea ice phenology on the movement ecology of ringed seals across their latitudinal range
Authors: Yurkowski, D.J., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Harwood, L.A., Rosing-Asvid, A., Dietz, R., Brown, T.M., Clackett, S., Grgicak-Mannion, A., Fisk, A.T., and Ferguson, S.H.2016 Marine Ecology Progress Series 562: 237-250

Behaviour of Perch
Authors: Semeniuk, C.A.D., Magnhagen, C., and Pyle, G.2015 Biology of Perch, CRC Press Chapter 9: 230-250
Assessing baseline stress physiology as an integrator of environment quality in a wild avian population: implications for use as a conservation biomarker
Authors: Madliger, C.L., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Harris, C.M., and Love, O.P.2015 Biological Conservation 192: 409-417
Spatial and temporal variation of an ice-adapted predator’s feeding ecology in a changing Arctic marine ecosystem
Authors: Yurkowski, D. J., Ferguson, S. H., Semeniuk, C. A. D., Brown, T. M., Muir, D. C., and Fisk, A. T.2014 Oecologia 1-14
Heterogeneity among rural resident attitudes toward wolves
Authors: Sponarski, C.C., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Glikman, J.A., Bath, A.J., and Musiani, M.2013 Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18 239-248
The role of agent-based models in wildlife ecology and management: The importance of accommodating individual habitat-selection behaviours and spatially explicit movement for conservation planning
Authors: McClane, A.J., Semeniuk, C.A.D.* and D. Marceau.2011 Ecological Modelling 222 1544-1556

A multi-attribute trade-off approach for advancing the management of marine wildlife tourism: a quantitative assessment of heterogeneous visitor preferences
Authors: Semeniuk, C.A.D., Haider, W., Beardmore, B. and Rothley, K.D.2008 Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 19 194-208